A South Africa / French co-production | Print version |
TRIOMF a film by Michael Raeburn
Starring : Lionel Newton, Vanessa Cooke, Obed Baloyi, Eduan van Jaarsveldt, Paul Luckhoff, Pam Andrews
Producers : Michael Raeburn & Lyndon Plant - Giraffe Creations (South Africa)
Co-Producer : Caroline Chomienne
Associate Producers South Africa : Natalie Stange, Ryan Fortune, Miles Anderson, Moonyeenn Lee
Associate Producers France : Frédéric Nicolas, Thomas Bertay
in association with GH Films (France), Red Pill Productions (South Africa) & Sycomore films (France)
with the participation of Fonds Sud Cinema : Ministère de la Culture et de la Commuication - CNC ; Ministère des Affaires Etrangères (France) - Fonds Images Afrique, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères (France)
Developed with the Gauteng Film Commission, South Africa
Casting ⇒ Moonyeenn Lee
Designer ⇒ Tiaan van Tonder
Sound ⇒ José Baptista
Continuity ⇒ Elaine Butler
Wardrobe ⇒ Analet Otto
Camera ⇒ Jamie Ramsay
Editor ⇒ Marie Quinton
Music ⇒ Philip Miller
Screenplay ⇒ Michael Raeburn & Malcolm Kohll
Adapted from the novel “TRIOMF” by Marlene van Niekerk
English translation Leon de Kock - Noma Award for frican Literature
Director ⇒ Michael Raeburn